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bachbeet's Articles In Object Desktop
May 28, 2013 by bachbeet
I just had to reformat my hard drive and got my data.  I then copied all my gadgets from backup to a new folder on my C drive.  When I tried to open the made in the shade weather gadget it failed and Windows closed the program giving an unspecified error.  I tried dl'ing a fresh copy and it also failed.  I then tried some others and most failed.  The ones that work so far are Blue my Mind and CF65 (2 different versions).  I have no idea why this is happening and...
March 1, 2012 by bachbeet
The CF65 desktop gadget has always been one of my faves.  I just tried to apply it and it won't work.  I then tried to re-download it but still the same problem.  Anyone know of a fix?
December 23, 2010 by bachbeet
Recently my hard drive crashed and I had to replace it.  Before, when I wanted to switch logons, all I had to do was open the logonstudio program and do so.  Now, when I do it, the logon does not apply.  It appears to be the Win 7 default black one.  Not sure why.  Any ideas?