Art appreciator.
Published on May 28, 2013 By bachbeet In Object Desktop

I just had to reformat my hard drive and got my data.  I then copied all my gadgets from backup to a new folder on my C drive.  When I tried to open the made in the shade weather gadget it failed and Windows closed the program giving an unspecified error.  I tried dl'ing a fresh copy and it also failed.  I then tried some others and most failed.  The ones that work so far are Blue my Mind and CF65 (2 different versions).  I have no idea why this is happening and I've never had these problems before with these gadgets.  The only things I've had to do before were to change compatibility with Vista SP2 but that fails to work on these now (except it still works for CF65).  Anyone know what the problem could be?  I haven't tried any widgets yet because I haven't gotten around to getting DesktopX yet.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 30, 2013

Well, I just dl'd DesktopX and tried a widget.  It worked as usual w/o any problem.  Just had to reset my location.

on May 30, 2013

OK this is very weird.  After dl'ing Desktopx I tried running another gadget (Fader).  Failed as before.  So, I changed the compatibility to Vista SP2 and then ran as admin.  Ran perfectly.  I changed the location and closed it.  Then, just for drill, I re-dl'd made in the shade, did nothing for compatibility and simply double clicked (not as admin).  It ran perfectly.  Tried another (forget which) and simply double clicked and no problem.  Very weird! 

on May 30, 2013

Awesome, but odd.

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